“My mum Mary McCartan is a true inspiration. Her resilience in the face of difficult times shows what a strong woman she is, keeping going no matter what.”
Five Conversations, 2021
Funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Film by Creating A Space
Five Conversations, 2021
Funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Film by Creating A Space
Mary McCartan started her career as a nurse and then trained as a health visitor. Originally from the small country town of Banbridge she always enjoyed traveling and seeing other parts of the world. Mary has many found memories of holidays with family in New York and Italy, parish trips where she helped bring the sick to Lourdes and even a visit to the Aran Islands on a traditional Irish handmade boat called a currach. Mary reflects on her time as a community health visitor with great pride and feels that she done a lot of good. People often approach her to say what a difference she made in their lives.
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